Feminine Companionship

How wonderful to be reminded of the beauty of womanhood. Whether it be in the shape of your own body in a new dress — the accentuation of your hips against the soft fabric. Or if it’s just sharing a laugh of recognition at the triviality of love — what he said or she said in the heat of passion and rage. Either way, we shared these moments together.

Sometimes, when you are alone, it’s easy to forget how you’ve fallen in love with being a woman. There is no reflection of your sister self to help you understand. But together, her and I, we don’t have to think. We just are. Women. In love with ourselves, frustrated and fascinated at how our bodies were made, with hills and valleys that are all at once similar and unique, reflecting on emotionality and thoughts. Women — some sort of magical and magnificent force when coupled together.

How wonderful to be reminded, in your company

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